“材料的分析测试方法与实践” 系列讲座第九期 -极端高温微纳米力学测试技术
发布时间:2023-10-10来源: 访问量:

报告人:Andrew Bird,英国Micro Materials Ltd公司应用科学家

报告时间:20231011日 上午10:00-12:00


主持人:王川云 副教授


The NanoTest system offers a complete range of nanomechanical and nanotribological tests in one flexible and user friendly instrument.With just one test platform a range of mechanical properties can be investigated, allowing a complete picture of material performance to be assembled. Researchers are increasingly demanding that test conditions closely mimic real-world environments in order to provide the most reliable, accurate prediction of properties. With the NanoTest Vantage, Micro Materials already offers the most comprehensive range of nano-mechanical test options. These are now further extended with the NanoTest Xtreme, which provides a vacuum environment testing from -100 to 1000 ºC without oxidation or frosting of samples.


Andrew Bird,英国Micro Materials Ltd公司应用科学家,2010年在英国Micro Materials Ltd公司担任应用科学家至今,具有丰富的微纳米尺度材料的力学性能测试,尤其擅长不同复杂极端的环境下如高温,液态环境中的微纳米材料力学测试。主要测试手段有微纳米压痕,划痕与磨损,往复磨损,高应变率冲击测试等手段,全面综合评估微纳米材料的力学性能。

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